Archive for the ‘Marty Markowitz’ Category

Marty Forced To Cut Jobs, Say Staffers

November 14, 2008

By Helen Pointer

Workers in the affable Brooklyn Beep’s office are preparing for staff cuts, according to a staffer who contacted the Brooklyn View. He heard eight workers may be on the chopping block. This comes after Mayor Bloomberg’s announcement of budget cuts ranging from the Department of Buildings to the NYPD.

The layoffs would significantly cut into the $4.2 million Borough Hall staffer’s price tag. Approximately $108,000 would be saved. Beside that, Markowitz’s discretionary funds were cut. Last year, the city gave him a wallet with $2.1 million on projects in the borough, but that amount has dropped to $302,000 this year.


“I don’t have to remind anyone that these are challenging economic times that require all of us to make tough decisions and do some ‘belt tightening’ to close the growing city and state budget shortfalls,” Markowitz said in a statement.


Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion recently laid off 16 of his 77 staffers.


The Post in August reported the lavish lifestyles these borough presidents had. Carrion and Staten Island President James Molinaro had 11 official cars each, while Brooklyn’s Marty Markowitz had seven.


“Over the next several weeks we’ll be reviewing our budget from top to bottom, and the hard truth is everything is on the table — including the very real possibility of additional layoffs,” Markowitz said.


On Nov. 10, a Post Op-Ed said,So, let’s be frank: Borough presidents were a useless annoyance back when times were flush. Now, wasting one more cent on them is a scandal.